472.013. Fraud under probate code--remedy--procedure.

Fraud under probate code--remedy--procedure.

472.013. Whenever fraud has been perpetrated in connectionwith any proceeding or in any statement filed under this code, orif fraud is used to avoid or circumvent the provisions orpurposes of this code, any person injured thereby may obtainappropriate relief against the perpetrator of the fraud orrestitution from any person, other than a bona fide purchaser,benefiting from the fraud, whether innocent or not. Anyproceeding must be commenced within two years after the discoveryof the fraud, but no proceeding may be brought against one not aperpetrator of the fraud later than ten years after the time ofcommission of the fraud. This section has no bearing on remediesrelating to fraud practiced on a decedent during his lifetimewhich affects the succession of his estate.

(L. 1980 S.B. 637)

Effective 1-1-81