459.055. Purposes of declaration.

Purposes of declaration.

459.055. Sections 459.010 to 459.055 shall be interpretedconsistent with the following:

(1) Each person has the primary right to request or refusemedical treatment subject to the state's interest in protectinginnocent third parties, preventing homicide and suicide andpreserving good ethical standards in the medical profession.

(2) Nothing in sections 459.010 to 459.055 shall beinterpreted to increase or decrease the right of a patient tomake decisions regarding use of medical procedures so long as thepatient is able to do so, nor to impair or supersede any right orresponsibility that any person has to effect the withholding orwithdrawal of medical care in any lawful manner. In thatrespect, the provisions of sections 459.010 to 459.055 arecumulative.

(3) Sections 459.010 to 459.055 shall create no presumptionconcerning the intention of an individual who has not executed adeclaration to consent to the use or withholding of medicalprocedures.

(4) Communication regarding treatment decisions amongpatients, the families and physicians is encouraged.

(5) Sections 459.010 to 459.055 do not condone, authorize orapprove mercy killing or euthanasia nor permit any affirmative ordeliberate act or omission to shorten or end life.

(L. 1985 S.B. 51 § 10)