456.4-412. Modification or termination because of unanticipated circumstances or inability to administer trust effectively.

Modification or termination because of unanticipated circumstancesor inability to administer trust effectively.

456.4-412. 1. The court may modify the dispositive terms of a trustor terminate the trust if, because of circumstances not anticipated by thesettlor, modification or termination will further the purposes of thetrust. To the extent practicable, the modification must be made inaccordance with the settlor's probable intention.

2. The court may modify the management or administrative terms of atrust if modification will further the purposes of the trust.

3. Upon termination of a trust under this section, the trustee shalldistribute the trust property in a manner consistent with the purposes ofthe trust.

(L. 2004 H.B. 1511)

Effective 1-01-05