455.513. Ex parte orders, issued when, effective when--for good cause shown, defined--investigation by division of family services, when--report due when, available to whom.
Ex parte orders, issued when, effective when--for good cause shown,defined--investigation by division of family services, when--reportdue when, available to whom.
455.513. 1. Upon the filing of a verified petition under sections455.500 to 455.538, for good cause shown in the petition, and upon findingthat no prior order regarding custody is pending or has been made, thecourt may immediately issue an ex parte order of protection. An immediateand present danger of abuse to a child shall constitute good cause forpurposes of this section. An ex parte order of protection entered by thecourt shall be in effect until the time of the hearing.
2. Upon the entry of the ex parte order of protection, the courtshall enter its order appointing a guardian ad litem or court-appointedspecial advocate to represent the child victim.
3. If the allegations in the petition would give rise to jurisdictionunder section 211.031, RSMo, the court may direct the division of familyservices to conduct an investigation and to provide appropriate services.The division shall submit a written investigative report to the court andto the juvenile officer within thirty days of being ordered to do so. Thereport shall be made available to the parties and the guardian ad litem orcourt-appointed special advocate.
(L. 1987 H.B. 598 § 7, A.L. 1989 H.B. 502, et al., A.L. 1995 S.B. 174, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1619)Effective 5-15-96