455.215. Applications for shelter funding, contents, when filed--payments from fund made when.
Applications for shelter funding, contents, when filed--payments fromfund made when.
455.215. 1. A shelter for victims of domestic violence may apply to thedesignated authority for funds to be used for the funding of the shelter. Allapplications shall be submitted by the first day of October of the yearpreceding the calendar year for which the funding is desired, and shallinclude all of the following:
(1) Evidence that the shelter is incorporated in this state as anonprofit corporation;
(2) A list of the directors of the corporation, and a list of thetrustees of the shelter if different;
(3) The proposed budget of the shelter for the following calendar year;
(4) A summary of the services proposed to be offered in the followingcalendar year;
(5) An estimate of the number of persons to be served during thefollowing calendar year.
2. Upon receipt of an application for funds from a shelter that meetsthe criteria set forth in section 455.220, the designated authority, on orbefore the fifteenth day of November of the year in which the application isfiled, shall notify the shelter, in writing, whether it is eligible to receivefunds, and if the shelter is eligible, specify the amount available for thatshelter from the fees collected pursuant to section 455.205*.
3. Funds allocated to shelters pursuant to this section shall be paid tothe shelters twice annually, on the first day of January and the first day ofJuly of the years following the year in which the application is filed.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1069 § 5)*Transferred 2000; now 488.445