455.200. Definitions.
455.200. As used in sections 455.200 to 455.230, unless thecontext clearly requires otherwise, the following words andphrases mean:
(1) "Designated authority", the board, commission, agency,or other body designated under the provisions of section 455.210as the authority to administer the allocation and distribution offunds to shelters;
(2) "Domestic violence", attempting to cause or causingbodily injury to a family or household member, or placing afamily or household member by threat of force in fear of imminentphysical harm;
(3) "Family or household member", a spouse, a former spouse,person living with another person whether or not as spouses,parent, or other adult person related by consanguinity oraffinity, who is residing or has resided with the personcommitting the domestic violence and dependents of such persons;
(4) "Shelter for victims of domestic violence" or "shelter",a facility established for the purpose of providing temporaryresidential service or facilities to family or household memberswho are victims of domestic violence.
(L. 1982 H.B. 1069 § 2)