455.030. Filings--certain information not required from petitioner, exception--supreme court shall provide for filing of petitions on holidays, evenings and weekends.
Filings--certain information not required from petitioner,exception--supreme court shall provide for filing of petitionson holidays, evenings and weekends.
455.030. 1. When the court is unavailable after business hours or onholidays or weekends, a verified petition for protection from abuse or amotion for hearing on violation of any order of protection under sections455.010 to 455.085 may be filed before any available court in the city orcounty having jurisdiction to hear the petition pursuant to the guidelinesdeveloped pursuant to subsection 4 of this section. An ex parte order maybe granted pursuant to section 455.035.
2. All papers in connection with the filing of a petition or thegranting of an ex parte order of protection or a motion for a hearing on aviolation of an order of protection under this section shall be certifiedby such court or the clerk within the next regular business day to thecircuit court having jurisdiction to hear the petition.
3. A petitioner seeking a protection order shall not be required toreveal any current address or place of residence except to the court incamera for the purpose of determining jurisdiction and venue. Thepetitioner may be required to provide a mailing address unless thepetitioner alleges that he or she would be endangered by such disclosure,or that other family or household members would be endangered by suchdisclosure. Effective January 1, 2004, a petitioner shall not be requiredto provide his or her Social Security number on any petition or documentfiled in connection with a protection order; except that, the court mayrequire that a petitioner's Social Security number be retained on aconfidential case sheet or other confidential record maintained inconjunction with the administration of the case.
4. The supreme court shall develop guidelines which ensure that averified petition may be filed on holidays, evenings and weekends.
(L. 1980 S.B. 524 § 5, A.L. 1986 S.B. 450, A.L. 1989 S.B. 420, A.L. 1996 H.B. 1619 merged with S.B. 869, A.L. 2003 H.B. 253 merged with H.B. 613)