444.377. Hearings, procedures.
Hearings, procedures.
444.377. 1. Any hearing under sections 444.350 to 444.380shall be of record and shall be a contested case.
2. Parties to such a hearing may make oral argument,introduce testimony and evidence, and cross-examine witnesses.
3. The hearing shall be before the director or the directormay appoint a member in good standing of the Missouri Bar ashearing officer to hold the hearing and make recommendations tothe director, but the director shall make the final decision onthe hearing.
4. In any such hearing the director may issue a notice ofhearing and subpoenas as provided for in section 536.077, RSMo.
5. The rules of discovery that apply to any civil caseshall apply to hearings under this section.
(L. 1989 H.B. 321 § 12)