444.170. Diagram showing character and extent of mining operations to be filed in court--forfeiture for failure to comply.
Diagram showing character and extent of mining operations to be filedin court--forfeiture for failure to comply.
444.170. 1. At periodic times as directed by the circuitcourt, during the continuance of any mining license, everyperson, company or corporation carrying on such mining operationsshall, at his or its* own expense, cause to be made by the countysurveyor of the county where such mines are located, and filedwith the court, under oath of such surveyor, a complete and truediagram of such mines, showing with reference to the boundariesof such mines, and the lots and lands of neighboring owners, theextent of such mines, their drifts, tunnels and excavations,giving the length and breadth of each drift, bank and tunnel, soas to fully inform the court and parties in interest of theextent and character of such mining operations. Such plats anddiagrams shall remain on file with the clerk of such court, andshall not be removed by anyone from the files of such court.
2. Any failure to file the diagram and plat herein providedfor, or to make such diagram show all the particulars hereinprovided for, shall work a forfeiture of the mining privileges ofsuch person, company or corporation, which forfeiture the courtshall, on the motion of any party in interest, declare on threedays' notice to the party holding such license or privilege.
(RSMo 1939 § 14801, A.L. 1978 H.B. 1634)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13611; 1919 § 7454; 1909 § 8426
Effective 1-2-79
*Word "their" appears in original rolls.