444.130. Court to authorize mining operations, when--period of time specified.
Court to authorize mining operations, when--period of time specified.
444.130. The court may, upon such application, heartestimony upon all the matters involved in such application,including testimony upon the solvency and responsibility of thesureties offered, and may hear testimony from any partiesinterested in the lots and lands in the neighborhood of suchproposed mining operations, and if the court is satisfied thatthe proposers own the land or mining privileges under the landdescribed in their petition, the court shall fix the amount ofthe bond to be given by such proposers, such bond to be in nocase for less than one thousand dollars; and upon the giving andapproval of such bond so fixed by the court, the court shallenter its order authorizing the mining operations specified insaid petition, and upon the localities therein named, and notelsewhere, for the space of two years, unless in the meanwhilerevoked.
(RSMo 1939 § 14797)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13607; 1919 § 7450; 1909 § 8422