444.100. Provisions for mining coal in certain cities.
Provisions for mining coal in certain cities.
444.100. No person, company or corporation shall hereaftersink a shaft, mine, tunnel, excavate or drift for coal, or takeout any coal of any kind within the corporate limits ordesignated boundaries of any city, town or village in this statecontaining one thousand inhabitants or more, without having firstapplied and filed, and have approved, an indemnity bond asprovided for in this chapter; and any person or persons violatingthe provisions of this section, and any member or stockholder orofficer of any company or corporation who shall violate theprovisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of amisdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by fineof not less than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in thecounty jail for not less than six months, or by both such fineand imprisonment.
(RSMo 1939 § 14794)Prior revisions: 1929 § 13604; 1919 § 7447; 1909 § 8419