442.530. Value of life estates--how computed.
Value of life estates--how computed.
442.530. When a party as tenant for life, or by the curtesy,or in dower, is entitled to the annual interest on a sum ofmoney, or is entitled to the use of any estate, or part thereof,and is willing to accept a gross sum in lieu thereof, or theparty liable for such interest, or affected by such claim, hasthe right to pay a gross sum in lieu thereof, or if the court inany legal proceedings adjudge or decree a gross sum to be paid inlieu thereof, the sum shall be estimated according to the thenvalue of an annuity of six percent on the principal sum duringthe probable life of such person, according to the followingtable, showing the present value, on the basis of six percentinterest, of an annuity of one dollar, according to the Carlisletables of mortality, payable at the end of every year that aperson of a given age may be living for the ages therein stated:
Age Present value
0 $10.439
1 12.078
2 12.925
3 13.652
4 14.042
5 14.325
6 14.460
7 14.518
8 14.526
9 14.500
10 14.448
11 14.384
12 14.321
13 14.257
14 14.191
15 14.126
16 14.067
17 14.012
18 13.956
19 13.897
20 13.835
21 13.769
22 13.697
23 13.621
24 13.541
25 13.456
26 13.368
27 13.275
28 13.182
29 13.096
30 13.020
31 12.942
32 12.860
33 12.771
34 12.675
35 12.573
36 12.465
37 12.354
38 12.239
39 12.120
40 12.002
41 11.890
42 11.779
43 11.668
44 11.551
45 11.428
46 11.296
47 11.154
48 10.998
49 10.823
50 10.631
51 10.422
52 10.208
53 9.988
54 9.761
55 9.524
56 9.280
57 9.027
58 8.772
59 8.529
60 8.304
61 8.108
62 7.913
63 7.714
64 7.502
65 7.281
66 7.049
67 6.803
68 6.546
69 6.277
70 5.998
71 5.704
72 5.424
73 5.170
74 4.944
75 4.760
76 4.579
77 4.410
78 4.238
79 4.040
80 3.858
81 3.656
82 3.474
83 3.286
84 3.102
85 2.909
86 2.739
87 2.599
88 2.515
89 2.417
90 2.266
91 2.248
92 2.337
93 2.440
94 2.492
95 2.522
96 2.486
97 2.368
98 2.227
99 2.004
100 1.596
101 1.175
102 0.744
103 0.314
(RSMo 1939 § 3522)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3132; 1919 § 7547; 1909 § 8499
(1961) Statutes relating to reserves and nonforfeiture provisions of life insurance policies do not apply to term policies. Kern v. Prudential Ins. Co. of America, 393 F.2d 251.