442.290. What facts certificate of proof shall set forth.
What facts certificate of proof shall set forth.
442.290. The certificate of such proof shall set forth thefollowing matters:
(1) The fact that such subscribing witness was personallyknown to at least one judge of the court, or to the officergranting the certificate, to be the person whose name issubscribed to such instrument as a witness thereto or was provedto be such by at least two witnesses, whose names and places ofresidence shall be inserted in the certificate;
(2) The proof given by such witnesses of the execution ofsuch instrument, and of the facts that the person whose name issubscribed to such instrument as party thereto is the person whoexecuted the same, and that such witness subscribed his name tosuch instrument as a witness thereof.
(RSMo 1939 § 3420)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3033; 1919 § 2192; 1909 § 2803