442.150. Proof or acknowledgment, by whom taken.
Proof or acknowledgment, by whom taken.
442.150. The proof or acknowledgment of every conveyance orinstrument in writing affecting real estate in law or equity,including deeds of married women, shall be taken by some one ofthe following courts or officers:
(1) If acknowledged or proved within this state, by somecourt having a seal, or some judge, justice or clerk thereof, ora notary public; or
(2) If acknowledged or proved without this state and withinthe United States, by any notary public or by any court of theUnited States, or of any state or territory, having a seal, orthe clerk of any such court or any commissioner appointed by thegovernor of this state to take the acknowledgment of deeds;
(3) If acknowledged or proved without the United States, byany court of any state, kingdom or empire having a seal or themayor or chief officer of any city or town having an officialseal or by any minister or consular officer of the United Statesor notary public having a seal.
(RSMo 1939 § 3408, A. 1949 S.B. 1124)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3021; 1919 § 2181; 1909 § 2794
Acknowledgment of deed of trust taken before trustee in said deed deemed valid, when, RSMo 443.030
Commissioners of deeds in sister states, appointment, oath, powers, RSMo 486.100 to 486.140