442.140. Execution of deeds in foreign language--translation--recording.
Execution of deeds in foreign language--translation--recording.
442.140. 1. All deeds, mortgages or other instruments ofwriting conveying or affecting real estate, and all proofs andacknowledgments of the same executed in a foreign country, and inaccordance with the laws of this state, may be made and taken inthe language of such country.
2. And the same, accompanied with a sworn translation inEnglish of the same, by the recorder of land titles in the countywhere recorded, shall be entitled to record and be received inevidence in any court in this state, in like manner as if thesame were originally written in the English language.
(RSMo 1939 § 3412)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3025; 1919 § 2184; 1909 § 2795