441.043. Counties and cities not to adopt ordinances regulating rents of private or commercial property, exceptions.
Counties and cities not to adopt ordinances regulating rents ofprivate or commercial property, exceptions.
441.043. No county or city, or county or city with a charterform of government may enact, maintain, or enforce any ordinanceor resolution which regulates the amount of rent to be chargedfor privately-owned, single-family, or multiple-unit residentialor commercial rental property. This section shall not beconstrued as prohibiting any county or city, or any authoritycreated by a county or city for that purpose, from:
(1) Regulating in any way property belonging to that city,county, or authority;
(2) Entering into agreements with private persons whichregulate the amount of rent charged for subsidized rentalproperties; or
(3) Enacting ordinances or resolutions restricting rent forproperties assisted with community development block grant funds.
(L. 1989 H.B. 602 § 2)