429.070. Lien in case of licensed or leased property.
Lien in case of licensed or leased property.
429.070. 1. Every building, erection, improvement andplant erected or constructed, and all materials, fixtures,engines, boilers, pumps, belting, pulleys, shafting, machineryand other personal property furnished, or placed on licensed orleased lots or lands shall, regardless of whether or not theowner of the license or lease has the right thereunder to removethe same or other personal property from such licensed or leasedpremises during or at the end of the term thereof, be held forthe debt contracted for on account of the same and also thelicensed interest or leasehold term for such lot and land onwhich the same is placed or erected.
2. Every mechanic, person or corporation who shall erect orconstruct any building, plant, improvement, or erection, or whoshall furnish any material, fixture, engine, boiler, pump,belting, pulley, shafting, machinery or other personal propertyupon either licensed or leased lots or lands under or by virtueof any contract or account with the owner or proprietor of thelicense or lease or with his or its agent, or without a contractif ordered by a city, town, village or county having a charterform of government to abate the conditions that caused astructure on that property to be deemed a dangerous buildingunder local ordinances pursuant to section 67.410, RSMo, uponcomplying with the provisions of sections 429.010 to 429.340,shall have a lien upon such building, plant, improvement,erection, and also upon such materials, fixtures, engines,boilers, pumps, belting, pulleys, shafting, machinery and suchother personal property and also upon the license or lease onsuch lots or lands to the full extent of the number of acres orlots held under such license or lease by the owner thereof, andregardless of whether or not the owner of such license or leasehas the right thereunder to remove either during or at the end ofthe term thereof such building, plant, improvement, erection,materials, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, belting, pulleys,shafting or machinery or other personal property thereon.
3. Every mechanic, person or corporation who shall do orperform any work or labor upon or repair any fixture, engine,boiler, pump, belting, pulley, shafting, machinery or otherpersonal property belonging to a licensee or lessee and locatedupon either licensed or leased lots shall have for his work orlabor done in repairing such personal property of the lessee orlicensee, a lien upon such fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps,belting, pulleys, shafting, machinery or other personal propertybelonging to the lessee.
4. In case the licensee or lessee shall have forfeited hislicense or lease, the purchaser of the buildings, plants,erections, improvements, materials, fixtures, engines, boilers,pumps, belting, pulleys, shafting, machinery or other personalproperty and licensed interest or leasehold term or so muchthereof as remains unexpired under the provisions of sections429.010 to 429.340 shall be held to be the assignee of suchlicensed interest or leasehold term and as such shall be entitledto pay to the licensor or lessors all arrears of rents or othermoney, interest and costs due under said license or lease unlessthe licensor or lessor shall have regained possession of thelicensed, or leasehold land, or obtained judgment for thepossession thereof on account of the noncompliance by thelicensee or lessee with the terms of the license or lease priorto the commencement of the buildings, erections, plants, orimprovements erected or constructed prior to the time thematerials, fixtures, engines, boilers, pumps, belting, pulleys,shafting, machinery or other personal property is furnished, orplaced thereon, in which case the purchaser of the buildings,erections, plants, improvements, materials, fixtures, engines,boilers, pumps, belting, pulleys, shafting, machinery or otherpersonal property shall have the right to remove the same withinsixty days after the purchase thereof, and the owner of theground shall receive the rent due to him payable out of theproceeds of the sale, according to the terms of the license orlease, down to the time of removing the building, erections,plants, improvements, materials, fixtures, engines, boilers,pumps, belting, pulleys, shafting, machinery or other personalproperty.
(RSMo 1939 § 3550, A. 1949 S.B. 1120, A.L. 1992 H.B. 1434 & 1490)Prior revisions: 1929 § 3160; 1919 § 7220; 1909 § 8216