415.030. Public warehousemen to give bond.
Public warehousemen to give bond.
415.030. The person or persons receiving a license under theprovisions of sections 415.010 to 415.050 shall annually filewith the clerk of the court granting the same, a surety bondexecuted by a surety corporation authorized to do business inthis state, or a bond with good and sufficient security runningto the people of the state of Missouri, to be approved by thecourt, in the penal sum of twenty-five thousand dollars, or alegal liability insurance policy in the penal sum of twenty-fivethousand dollars conditioned for the faithful performance of hisor their duties as a public warehouseman or warehousemen, and assecurity for the payment of all penalties and damages found andadjudged against such warehouseman or warehousemen by due courseof law, for the violation of any clause of sections 415.010 to415.050, and his or their full and unreserved compliance with thelaws of this state in relation thereto.
(RSMo 1939 § 15478, A.L. 1985 H.B. 204)Prior revisions: 1929 § 14354; 1919 § 13452; 1909 § 11948