414.570. Assessment, amount--payment--late payment, charges--investment of funds.
Assessment, amount--payment--late payment, charges--investment offunds.
414.570. 1. The council shall set the initial assessmentat no greater than one-tenth of one cent per gallon. Thereafter,annual assessments shall be sufficient to cover the costs of theplans and programs developed by the council and approved by thedirector. The assessment shall not be greater than one-half centper gallon of odorized propane. The assessment may not be raisedby more than one-tenth of one cent per gallon annually.
2. The owner of propane immediately prior to odorization inthis state or the owner at the time of import into this state ofodorized propane shall be responsible for the payment of theassessment on the volume of propane at the time of import orodorization, whichever is later. Assessments shall be remittedto the council on a monthly basis by the twenty-fifth of themonth following the month of collection. Nonodorized propaneshall not be subject to assessment until odorized.
3. The director may by regulation, with the concurrence ofthe council, establish an alternative means for the council tocollect the assessment if another means is found to be moreefficient and effective. The director may by regulationestablish a late payment charge and rate of interest to beimposed on any person who fails to remit to the council anyamount due under sections 414.500 to 414.590.
4. Pending disbursement pursuant to a program, plan orproject, the council may invest funds collected throughassessments and any other funds received by the council only inobligations of the United States or any agency thereof, ingeneral obligations of any state or any political subdivisionthereof, in any interest-bearing account or certificate ofdeposit of a bank that is a member of the Federal Reserve System,or in obligations fully guaranteed as to principal and interestby the United States.
5. The National Propane Education and Research Council, inconjunction with the United States Secretary of Energy may, byregulation, establish a program coordinating the operation of itscouncil with the council established in section 414.530. Thismay include an assessment rebate, if adopted, of an amount up totwenty-five percent of the National Propane Education andResearch Council assessment collected on Missouri distributedodorized propane as presented and described in section nine ofthe federal Propane Education and Research Act of 1992. Shouldthe National Propane Education and Research Council, as part ofthe federal Propane Education and Research Act of 1992, establishsuch an assessment rebate on fees collected by such council, thenall funds from such federal assessment rebate shall be theproperty of the Missouri council as established by section414.530, and* the use of such funds shall be determined by theMissouri council for the purposes as intended and presented insections 414.500 to 414.590.
(L. 1993 S.B. 178 § 8)*Word "that" appears here in original rolls.