414.510. Definitions.
414.510. As used in sections 414.500 to 414.590, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Council", the Missouri propane education and researchcouncil created pursuant to section 414.530;
(2) "Director", the director of the division of energy ofthe department of natural resources or the director's designee;
(3) "Education", any action to provide information onpropane, propane use equipment, mechanical and technicalpractices, and propane uses to consumers and to members of thepropane industry;
(4) "Manufacturers and distributors of LP-gas useequipment", any person or firm engaged in the manufacturing,assembling and marketing of appliances, containers and productsused in the LP-gas industry, and those persons and firms in thewholesale marketing of appliances, containers and products usedin the LP-gas industry;
(5) "Marketing", any action taken by the council to presentpositive information about propane to the public, including paidpromotional advertising;
(6) "Person", any individual, group of individuals,partnership, association, cooperative, corporation, or any otherentity;
(7) "Producer", the owner of the propane at the time it isrecovered at a manufacturing facility, irrespective of the statewhere production occurs;
(8) "Propane" includes propane, butane, mixtures, andliquefied petroleum gas as defined by the National FireProtection Association Standard 58 for the storage and handlingof liquefied petroleum gases;
(9) "Public member", a member of the council selected fromamong significant users of odorized propane, organizationsrepresenting significant users of odorized propane, public safetyofficials, state propane gas regulatory officials, or voluntarystandard-setting organizations;
(10) "Qualified industry organization", the NationalPropane Gas Association, the Missouri Propane Gas Association,the Gas Processors Association, or a successor association;
(11) "Research", any type of study, investigation or otheractivity designed to advance the image, desirability, usage,marketability, efficiency and safety of propane and propane useequipment, and to further the development of such information andproducts;
(12) "Retail marketer", a business engaged primarily in theselling of propane gas, its appliances and equipment to theultimate consumer or to retail propane dispensers;
(13) "Transporter", any person involved in the commercialtransportation of propane by pipeline, truck, rail or water;
(14) "Wholesaler" or "reseller", a seller of propane who isnot a producer and who does not sell propane to the ultimateconsumer.
(L. 1993 S.B. 178 § 2)