414.406. Vehicle fleet plan reviewed--office of administration to purchase only vehicles conforming to plan--annual report, content.
Vehicle fleet plan reviewed--office of administration to purchaseonly vehicles conforming to plan--annual report, content.
414.406. 1. The director of the department of natural resources shallreview each agency's vehicle fleet plan and the vehicular demands of theagency by vehicle class. The office of administration shall only purchase foran agency those vehicles which conform to the agency's plan as outlined insections 414.400 and 414.403.
2. Each state agency shall annually file a report with the director ofthe department of natural resources on forms provided by the departmentshowing its progress in achieving the requirements and goals of sections414.400 to 414.417. The director of the department of natural resources shallcompile such information into an annual report and submit such report to thecommissioner of administration, the secretary of the senate, the clerk of thehouse of representatives and the chairman of each committee of jurisdiction ofthe general assembly.
3. The director's report shall document progress in achieving therequirements and goals of sections 414.400 to 414.417 and shall include, butnot be limited to, annual fuel consumption, number of vehicles, vehicle milestraveled, average fleet fuel economy, estimated cost savings and state use ofalternative fuels.
(L. 1991 H.B. 45 § 3)