414.072. Measuring devices, certain fuels, inspection, when--correction or removal, when--public policy regarding devices.
Measuring devices, certain fuels, inspection, when--correction orremoval, when--public policy regarding devices.
414.072. 1. At least every six months, the director shall test andinspect the measuring devices used by any person selling an average of twohundred or more gallons of gasoline, gasoline-alcohol blends, diesel fuel,heating oil, kerosene, or aviation turbine fuel per month at either retailor wholesale in this state, except marine installations, which shall betested and inspected at least once per year.
2. When the director finds that any measuring device does notcorrectly and accurately register and measure the monetary cost, ifapplicable, or the volume sold, he shall require the correction, removal,or discontinuance of the same.
3. Notwithstanding any other law or rule to the contrary, it has beenand continues to be the public policy of this state to prohibit gasolineand diesel motor fuel in a retail sale transaction from being dispensed byany measuring device or equipment that is not approved by the department ofagriculture or the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP).
(L. 1987 S.B. 249, A.L. 2008 S.B. 907)