407.742. Unlawful subleasing, elements of crime.
Unlawful subleasing, elements of crime.
407.742. A person engages in an act of unlawful subleasingof a motor vehicle if all of the following conditions are met:
(1) The motor vehicle is subject to a lease contract,conditional sale contract, or security agreement the terms ofwhich prohibit the transfer or assignment of any right ofinterest in the motor vehicle or under the lease contract,conditional sale contract, or security agreement;
(2) The person is not a party to the original leasecontract, conditional sale contract, or security agreement;
(3) The person transfers or assigns, or purports totransfer or assign, or assists, causes, or arranges an actual orpurported transfer or assignment of any right or interest in themotor vehicle or under the lease contract, conditional salecontract, or security agreement, to any person who is not aparty to the original lease contract, conditional sale contract,or security agreement;
(4) The person does not obtain, prior to the transfer orassignment described in subdivision (3) of this section, writtenconsent to the transfer or assignment from the motor vehicle'slessor, seller, or secured party;
(5) The person receives compensation or some otherconsideration for the transfer or assignment described insubdivision (3) of this section.
(L. 1989 H.B. 893 § 6)