407.573. Warranty extension, when--complaint remedies information to be furnished--notice to manufacturer required--manufacturer's duties, time limitation.
Warranty extension, when--complaint remedies information to befurnished--notice to manufacturer required--manufacturer's duties,time limitation.
407.573. 1. The terms, conditions, or limitations of theexpress warranty, or* the period of one year following the date oforiginal delivery of the new motor vehicle to a consumer,whichever expires earlier, may be extended if the new motorvehicle warranty problem has been reported but has not beenrepaired by the manufacturer, or its agent, by the expiration ofthe applicable time period.
2. The manufacturer shall provide information for consumercomplaint remedies with each new motor vehicle. It shall be theresponsibility of the consumer, or his representative, prior toavailing himself of the provisions of sections 407.560 to407.579, to give written notification to the manufacturer of theneed for the repair of the nonconformity, in order to allow themanufacturer an opportunity to cure the alleged defect. Themanufacturer shall immediately notify the consumer of areasonably accessible repair facility of a franchised new vehicledealer to conform the new vehicle to the express warranty. Afterdelivery of the new vehicle to an authorized repair facility bythe consumer, the manufacturer shall have ten calendar days toconform the new motor vehicle to the express warranty. Uponnotification from the consumer that the new vehicle has not beenconformed to the express warranty, the manufacturer shall informthe consumer if an informal dispute settlement procedure has beenestablished by the manufacturer in accordance with section407.575. However, if prior notice by the manufacturer of aninformal dispute settlement procedure has been given, no furthernotice is required.
3. Any action brought under sections 407.560 to 407.579shall be commenced within six months following expiration of theterms, conditions, or limitations of the express warranty, orwithin eighteen months following the date of original delivery ofthe new motor vehicle to a consumer, whichever is earlier, or, inthe event that a consumer resorts to an informal disputesettlement procedure as provided in sections 407.560 to 407.579,within ninety days following the final action of any panelestablished pursuant to such procedure.
(L. 1984 H.B. 992 § 5)*Word "of" appears in original rolls.
(1989) Notice to car dealer, not the manufacturer, was failure to notify proper party in order for car buyer to avail herself of "lemon law." (Mo.App.E.D.) Stewart v. Sieben, Inc., 783 S.W.2d 432.