404.830. Physician, health care facility, may refuse decision of attorney in fact, when--transfer from facility allowed.
Physician, health care facility, may refuse decision of attorneyin fact, when--transfer from facility allowed.
404.830. 1. No physician, nurse, or other individual whois a health care provider or an employee of a health carefacility shall be required to honor a health care decision of anattorney in fact if that decision is contrary to the individual'sreligious beliefs, or sincerely held moral convictions.
2. No hospital, nursing facility, residential carefacility, or other health care facility shall be required tohonor a health care decision of an attorney in fact if thatdecision is contrary to the hospital's or facility'sinstitutional policy based on religious beliefs or sincerely heldmoral convictions unless the hospital or facility received a copyof the durable power of attorney for health care prior tocommencing the current series of treatments or currentconfinement.
3. Any health care provider or facility which, pursuant tosubsection 1 or 2 of this section, refuses to honor a health caredecision of an attorney in fact shall not impede the attorney infact from transferring the patient to another health careprovider or facility.
(L. 1991 S.B. 148)