404.825. Examination of patient required, content.
Examination of patient required, content.
404.825. Unless the patient expressly authorizes otherwisein the power of attorney, the powers and duties of the attorneyin fact to make health care decisions shall commence upon acertification by two licensed physicians based upon anexamination of the patient that the patient is incapacitated andwill continue to be incapacitated for the period of time duringwhich treatment decisions will be required and the powers andduties shall cease upon certification that the patient is nolonger incapacitated. One of the certifying physicians may bethe patient's attending physician. The certification shall bemade according to accepted medical standards. The determinationof incapacity shall be periodically reviewed by the attendingphysician. The certification shall be incorporated into themedical records and shall set forth the facts upon which thedetermination of incapacity is based and the expected duration ofthe incapacity. Other provisions of this section to the contrarynotwithstanding, certification of incapacity by at least onephysician is required.
(L. 1991 S.B. 148)