404.805. Definitions.
404.805. 1. As used in sections 404.800 to 404.865, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Certification", a written instrument or a writtenentry in a medical record;
(2) "Incapacitated", a person who is unable by reason ofany physical or mental condition to receive and evaluateinformation or to communicate decisions to such an extent that helacks capacity to meet essential requirements for food, clothing,shelter, safety or other care such that serious physical injury,illness or disease is likely to occur;
(3) "Patient", the principal of a durable power of attorneyfor health care under sections 404.800 to 404.865.
2. The definitions of section 404.703 shall apply tosections 404.800 to 404.865 except as modified by this section.
(L. 1991 S.B. 148)