404.640. Jurisdiction for transfers to personal custodianship.
Jurisdiction for transfers to personal custodianship.
404.640. 1. The probate division of the circuit court mayhear and determine all matters pertaining to personal custodiansand the administration of personal custodianships under sections404.400 to 404.650.
2. The provisions of chapter 472, RSMo, apply to judicialproceedings involving personal custodianships to the extent theyapply to judicial proceedings involving trusts and are notinconsistent with sections 404.400 to 404.650.
3. If the probate division of the circuit court appoints aguardian or conservator for a beneficiary of a personalcustodianship, after notice and hearing, the court may specify inan order the duties and responsibilities of the beneficiary'slegal representatives and personal custodians and the manner inwhich they shall coordinate the exercise of their respectivepowers and duties for and on behalf of the beneficiary.
4. Upon the filing of any petition as provided in sections404.400 to 404.650, the court shall issue an order directed tosuch persons and returnable on such notice as the court mayrequire, to show cause why the relief prayed for in the petitionshould not be granted and, in due course, shall proceed to grantsuch relief as the court finds to be in the best interest of thebeneficiary of the personal custodianship.
(L. 1986 S.B. 651 § 13)