404.087. Repeal of uniform gifts to minors not to affect transfers--use of word custodian, how defined.
Repeal of uniform gifts to minors not to affect transfers--use of wordcustodian, how defined.
404.087. 1. The repeal of the Missouri uniform gifts tominors law, sections 404.010 to 404.100, shall not affecttransfers made in a manner prescribed in sections 404.010 to404.100, nor the powers, duties and immunities conferred bytransfers in that manner upon custodians and persons dealingwith custodians. The provisions of sections 404.005 to 404.094henceforth apply to all transfers made in a manner and formprescribed in the Missouri uniform gifts to minors law, exceptinsofar as the application impairs constitutionally vestedrights or extends the duration of custodianships in existence onSeptember 28, 1985. In all other respects, sections 404.005 to404.094 shall be construed as a continuation of the provisionsof the Missouri uniform gifts to minors law.
2. Any transfer of property to a custodian or successorcustodian after September 28, 1985, which uses in substance thewords "as custodian under the Missouri uniform gifts to minorslaw" shall be construed to mean "as custodian under the Missouritransfers to minors law" and sections 404.005 to 404.094 shallapply thereto.
(L. 1985 S.B. 35, et al. § 13)