404.018. Custodian and third persons dealing with custodian, powers, duties, immunities.
Custodian and third persons dealing with custodian, powers, duties,immunities.
404.018. By transferring property to a custodian for aminor under sections 404.005 to 404.094, the transferorincorporates in the transfer all the provisions of sections404.005 to 404.094 and grants to the custodian and third personsdealing with the custodian the respective powers, rights andimmunities provided in sections 404.005 to 404.094. By holdingproperty for a minor as custodian under sections 404.005 to404.094, the custodian assumes the obligation to administer thecustodial property for the minor as prescribed in sections404.005 to 404.094.
(L. 1985 S.B. 35, et al. § 2 subsec. 4)