400.7-209. Lien of warehouseman.
Lien of warehouseman.
400.7-209. (1) A warehouseman has a lien against the bailoron the goods covered by a warehouse receipt or on the proceedsthereof in his possession for charges for storage ortransportation (including demurrage and terminal charges),insurance, labor, or charges present or future in relation to thegoods, and for expenses necessary for preservation of the goodsor reasonably incurred in their sale pursuant to law. If theperson on whose account the goods are held is liable for likecharges or expenses in relation to other goods whenever depositedand it is stated in the receipt that a lien is claimed forcharges and expenses in relation to other goods, the warehousemanalso has a lien against him for such charges and expenses whetheror not the other goods have been delivered by the warehouseman.But against a person to whom a negotiable warehouse receipt isduly negotiated a warehouseman's lien is limited to charges in anamount or at a rate specified on the receipt or if no charges areso specified then to a reasonable charge for storage of the goodscovered by the receipt subsequent to the date of the receipt.
(2) The warehouseman may also reserve a security interestagainst the bailor for a maximum amount specified on the receiptfor charges other than those specified in subsection (1), such asfor money advanced and interest. Such a security interest isgoverned by the article on secured transactions (article 9).
(3) A warehouseman's lien for charges and expenses undersubsection (1) or a security interest under subsection (2) isalso effective against any person who so entrusted the bailorwith possession of the goods that a pledge of them by him to agood faith purchaser for value would have been valid but is noteffective against a person as to whom the document confers noright in the goods covered by it under section 400.7-503.
(4) A warehouseman loses his lien on any goods which hevoluntarily delivers or which he unjustifiably refuses todeliver.
(L. 1963 p. 503 § 7-209)