400.2-102. Scope--certain security and other transactions excluded from this article.
Scope--certain security and other transactions excluded from thisarticle.
400.2-102. Unless the context otherwise requires, thisarticle applies to transactions in goods; it does not apply toany transaction which although in the form of an unconditionalcontract to sell or present sale is intended to operate only as asecurity transaction nor does this article impair or repeal anystatute regulating sales to consumers, farmers or other specifiedclasses of buyers.
(L. 1963 p. 503 § 2-102)(1979) Sale of used or second-hand goods is covered by provisions of the Uniform Commercial Code and an implied warranty of merchantability may arise. Worthey, et al. v. Specialty Foam Products, Inc. (A.), 591 S.W.2d 145.