394.160. Rules and regulations prescribed by public service commission--limitation on jurisdiction of commission.
Rules and regulations prescribed by public servicecommission--limitation on jurisdiction of commission.
394.160. 1. Every cooperative constructing, maintaining andoperating its electric transmission or distribution lines shallconstruct, maintain and operate such lines in conformity with therules and regulations relating to the manner and methods ofconstruction, maintenance and operation and as to safety of thepublic and as to induction or electrical interference with otherlines now or hereafter from time to time prescribed by the publicservice commission for the construction, maintenance andoperation of electric transmission or distribution lines orsystem. The jurisdiction, supervision, powers and duties of thepublic service commission shall extend to every such cooperativeso far as concerns the construction, maintenance and operation ofthe physical equipment of such cooperative to the extent ofproviding for the safety of the public and the elimination orlessening of induction or electrical interference, including thepower to minimize retail distribution electric line duplicationfor the sole purpose of providing for the safety of employees andthe general public in those cases when, upon complaint, thecommission finds that a proposed retail distribution electricline cannot be constructed in compliance with commission safetyrules. The jurisdiction of the public service commission shallbe extended only to the extent provided in this section, andnothing herein contained shall be construed as otherwiseconferring upon such commission jurisdiction over the service,rates, financing, accounting or management of any suchcooperative.
2. Applications, notices, hearings, findings and orders, andall other proceedings before the commission, in pursuance of thepowers and duties herein conferred upon such commission, andreview thereof, shall be the same as now or hereafter provided bylaw for other similar proceedings before the commission andreview thereof.
3. The commission may retain jurisdiction of any such causefor the purpose of making such supplemental orders in such causeas may be necessary in furtherance of the purposes of thissection, or for the purpose of modifying or amending the termsof, or revoking any permit granted under, the provisions of thissection for failure to comply with such rules, regulations,findings and orders made by the commission under authority ofthis section.
(RSMo 1939 § 5389, A.L. 1979 H.B. 186)