393.175. Designation as sole regional or watershed supplier, application--preferences--pricing of services.
Designation as sole regional or watershed supplier,application--preferences--pricing of services.
393.175. 1. Any entity authorized by law to engage in the businessof offering wastewater disposal or treatment services may apply to thedepartment of natural resources to be designated as the sole regional orwatershed supplier of such services.
2. The application to be designated as a regional or watershedsupplier shall be on a form as developed by the department and shall at aminimum provide the following information:
(1) The region or watershed for which the applicant intends toprovide service defined on a meets and bounds basis;
(2) The documents such as contracts, articles of incorporation,limited liability company forms or municipal ordinances which define theapplicant's existence, ownership and management;
(3) Information as to the applicant's financial assets includingbalance sheet income statements for the previous five years or, if lessthan five years, income statements for the applicant's entire history;
(4) A description of the facilities owned or operated by theapplicant;
(5) A business plan describing how and why the proposed region orwatershed was selected and the applicant's plans for providing collectionand treatment services in the requested area;
(6) A commitment by the applicant to provide area coverage for theentire area covered by the application and the applicant's plan for how toprovide such services;
(7) A description of the services to be provided by the applicant tothe region or watershed and the prices to be charged by the applicant;
(8) A description of the standards that the applicant will require ofother entities that will wish to connect with the applicant's collectionand treatment systems.
3. Once a regional or watershed provider of wastewater collection andtreatment is approved by the department, no other person or entity mayconstruct or operate collection or treatment facilities within thedesignated region or watershed without an approved regional or watershedplan, except those already existing persons or entities operating awastewater collection or treatment facility within the designated region orwatershed when the plan was approved.
4. The department of natural resources shall give preference toregional or watershed providers in all of its licensing, permitting, andadministration of loan and grant funds functions.
5. In evaluating among competing applicants to be a regional orwatershed provider, the department shall give preference to those providersmost likely to provide a stable, long-term solution without regard to thetype of entity the applicant may be. Joint applications from existingproviders of wastewater collection and treatment services within the regionor watershed shall be given preference.
6. Pricing of services by regional or watershed providers shall beset by such provider in the same manner the provider sets all other ratesand charges and shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis with each userbearing its fair share of the costs of providing service to that user.Private sewer companies shall charge such rates as are approved pursuant toapplicable law.
(L. 1997 2d Ex. Sess. H.B. 1 § 1 merged with S.B. 3 § 1)Effective 12-23-97