392.210. Reports and records of telecommunication companies.

Reports and records of telecommunication companies.

392.210. 1. Every telecommunications company shall filewith the commission an annual report at a time and covering theyearly period fixed by the commission. Such annual report shallbe verified by the oath of the president, treasurer, generalmanager or receiver, if any, of any of such companies, or by theperson required to file the same. Verification shall be made bythe official holding office at the time of the filing of suchreport, and if not made upon the knowledge of the personverifying, the same shall set forth in general terms the sourcesof his information and the grounds for his belief as to anymatters not stated to be verified on his knowledge. Thecommission shall prescribe the form of such reports and thecharacter of the information to be contained therein and may,from time to time, make such changes and additions in regard toform and contents thereof as it may deem proper, and shallfurnish a blank form for such annual reports to everytelecommunications company required to make the same. The formof such reports shall follow, as nearly as may be, the formprescribed by the Federal Communications Commission. When thereport of any telecommunications company is defective orerroneous, the commission shall notify the company to amend thesame within a time prescribed by the commission. Such reportsshall be preserved in the office of the commission. Thecommission may require of any telecommunications company specificanswers to questions upon which the commission may desireinformation. If any telecommunications company shall fail tomake and file its annual report as and when required or withinsuch extended time as the commission may allow, or shall fail tomake specific answers to any question within the period specifiedby the commission for the making and filing of such answers, suchcompany shall forfeit to the state the sum of one hundred dollarsfor each and every day it shall continue to be in default withrespect to such report or answer. Such forfeiture shall berecovered in an action brought by the commission in the name ofthe state of Missouri. The amount recovered in any such actionshall be paid to the public school fund of the state. Thecommission may, when it deems it advisable, exempt anytelecommunications company from the necessity of filing annualreports until the further order of the commission.

2. The commission may establish a system of accounts to beused by telecommunications companies, which are required to makeannual reports to it, or classify the companies, and prescribe asystem of accounts for each class and may prescribe the manner inwhich such accounts shall be kept. The system of accountsrequired shall follow, as nearly as may be, the system prescribedby the Federal Communications Commission. It may also, in itsdiscretion, prescribe the form of records to be kept by suchcompanies. The commission shall at all times have access to allaccounts, records and memoranda kept by telecommunicationscompanies, and may designate any of its officers or employees whoshall thereupon be authorized under the order of the commissionto inspect and examine any and all accounts, records andmemoranda kept by any such company; and the commission may, afterhearing, prescribe, by order, the accounts in which particularoutlays and receipts shall be entered, charged or credited. Anyemployee or agent of the commission who divulges any fact orinformation which may come to his knowledge during the course ofany such inspection or examination, except insofar as he may bedirected by the commission by regulation or otherwise, or by acourt or judge thereof, or authorized by law, shall be guilty ofa misdemeanor. Any provision of law prohibiting the disclosureof the contents of telegraph messages or the contents orsubstance of telecommunications transmissions shall not be deemedto prohibit the disclosure of any matter in accordance with theprovisions of sections 392.190 to 392.530.

(RSMo 1939 § 5668, A.L. 1984 H.B. 1477, A.L. 1987 H.B. 360)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 5212; 1919 § 10500