392.140. Duties in forwarding dispatches over other lines.
Duties in forwarding dispatches over other lines.
392.140. Where the person sending the dispatch desires tohave it forwarded over the lines of other telephone or telegraphcompanies, whose termini are respectively within the limits ofthe usual delivery of such companies, to the place of finaldestination, and shall tender to the first company the amount ofthe usual charges for the dispatch to the place of finaldelivery, it shall be the duty of the company to receive thesame, and, without delaying the dispatch, to pay to thesucceeding line the necessary charges for the remaining distance;and it shall be the duty of the succeeding line or lines toaccept the same, and forward the dispatch in the same manner asif the person sending the same had applied to the agent oroperator of such line or lines in person, and paid to him theusual charges; and for omitting so to do the company or companiesowning or operating such line or lines shall severally be liableto the penalty prescribed in section 392.130.
(RSMo 1939 § 5331)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4926; 1919 § 10137; 1909 § 3331