392.090. Mode of construction may be directed, by whom.

Mode of construction may be directed, by whom.

392.090. The mayor and aldermen or board of common council of any city,and the trustees of any incorporated town, through which the lines of anytelephone or telegraph company are to pass, may, by ordinance or otherwise,specify where the posts, piers or abutments shall be located, the kind ofposts that shall be used, the height at which the wires shall be run; and suchcompany shall be governed by the regulations thus prescribed; and after theerection of said telephone or telegraph lines, the said mayor and aldermen, orboard of common council, and the trustees of any incorporated town, shall havepower to direct any alteration in the location or erection of said posts,piers or abutments, and also in the height at which the wires shall run,having first given such company or its agents opportunity to be heard inregard to such alteration.

(RSMo 1939 § 5335)

Prior revisions: 1929 § 4930; 1919 § 10141; 1909 § 3335