388.460. Union stations--construction corporations--who may construct.
Union stations--construction corporations--who may construct.
388.460. 1. In order to facilitate the public convenienceand safety in the transmission of goods and passengers in, and inthe neighborhood of, large cities, from one railroad to another,and to prevent the unnecessary expense, inconvenience and lossattending the accumulation of a number of stations, any number ofpersons not less than five, or any such number of persons, notless than five, and any railroad company or companies are herebyauthorized to form themselves into a corporation under thegeneral laws of this state, relating to private corporations forthe purpose of constructing, establishing and maintaining a unionstation for passengers or freight depots, or for both, in or inthe neighborhood of any city of this state, with the necessaryoffices and rooms convenient therefor, and the appurtenancesthereto, and, for that purpose, may make and sign articles inwhich shall be stated the number of years the same is tocontinue, the city in which the same is to be located, the amountof the capital stock of said company, which shall not exceed tenmillions of dollars, the amount of each share of stock, the namesand places of residence of its directors who shall manage itsaffairs for the first year and until others are chosen in theirplace, the number of its directors, which shall not be less thanfive nor more than twenty, and shall also state the amount ofstock taken by each subscriber.
2. And any railroad company may construct, build, operateand maintain a union station in, or in the neighborhood of anycity of this state, for passengers or freight depots, or forboth, with the necessary offices and rooms convenient thereforand the appurtenances thereto, and shall have like powers inconnection with any such union station or depots, or both, as arepossessed by union depot companies formed under this section.
(RSMo 1939 § 5251)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4813; 1919 § 10002; 1909 § 3215