388.350. Extensions and branches authorized--procedure--fees.
Extensions and branches authorized--procedure--fees.
388.350. Any railroad company organized under the laws ofthis state, or under the laws of any other state, a portion ofwhose line of railroad is constructed within this state, shallhave the right to build extensions and branches of its line ofrailroad within this state of such length and in such directionas may be authorized by resolution adopted by its board ofdirectors at any regular or special meeting of said board, whichresolution shall show the county or counties into or throughwhich said extension or branch railroad shall be constructed, andshall set forth the length of said extension or branch railroadand the proposed cost thereof and the intention of said railroadcompany to build the same. A certified copy of such resolutionof the board of directors shall be filed in the office of thesecretary of state, and when so filed shall be held and deemed tobe an amendment to the charter of said corporation; provided,that before any railroad company shall extend its line orbranches under the provisions of sections 388.350 to 388.370, itshall pay the same fees to the state as is now or may hereafterbe provided for an original charter.
(RSMo 1939 § 5151)Prior revisions: 1929 § 4678; 1919 § 9868; 1909 § 3067