386.754. Definitions.
386.754. For the purposes of sections 386.754 to 386.764, thefollowing terms mean:
(1) "Affiliate", any entity not regulated by the public servicecommission which is owned, controlled by or under common control with autility and is engaged in HVAC services;
(2) "HVAC services", the warranty, sale, lease, rental, installation,construction, modernization, retrofit, maintenance or repair of heating,ventilating and air conditioning equipment;
(3) "Utility", an electrical corporation, gas corporation or heatingcompany, as defined in section 386.020;
(4) "Utility contractor", a person, including an individual,corporation, firm, incorporated or unincorporated association or otherbusiness or legal entity, that contracts, whether in writing or not inwriting, with a utility to engage in or assist any entity in engaging inHVAC services, but does not include employees of a utility.
(L. 1998 H.B. 1038)