386.500. Rehearing before commission.
Rehearing before commission.
386.500. 1. After an order or decision has been made by thecommission, the public counsel or any corporation or person orpublic utility interested therein shall have the right to applyfor a rehearing in respect to any matter determined therein, andthe commission shall grant and hold such rehearing, if in itsjudgment sufficient reason therefor be made to appear; if arehearing shall be granted the same shall be determined by thecommission within thirty days after the same shall be finallysubmitted.
2. No cause or action arising out of any order or decisionof the commission shall accrue in any court to any corporation orthe public counsel or person or public utility unless that partyshall have made, before the effective date of such order ordecision, application to the commission for a rehearing. Suchapplication shall set forth specifically the ground or grounds onwhich the applicant considers said order or decision to beunlawful, unjust or unreasonable. The applicant shall not in anycourt urge or rely on any ground not so set forth in itsapplication for rehearing.
3. An application for a rehearing shall not excuse anycorporation or person or public utility from complying with orobeying any order or decision or any requirement of an order ordecision of the commission, or operate in any manner to stay orpostpone the enforcement thereof except as the commission may byorder direct.
4. If, after a rehearing and a consideration of the facts,including those arising since the making of the order ordecision, the commission shall be of the opinion that theoriginal order or decision or any part thereof is in any respectunjust or unwarranted, or should be changed, the commission mayabrogate, change or modify the same. An order made after anysuch rehearing, abrogating, changing or modifying the originalorder or decision shall have the same force and effect as anoriginal order or decision but shall not affect any right or theenforcement of any right arising from or by virtue of theoriginal order or decision.
(RSMo 1939 § 5689, A.L. 1977 H.B. 42 & 157)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5233; 1919 § 10521