386.480. Information not to be divulged--exception--penalty.
Information not to be divulged--exception--penalty.
386.480. No information furnished to the commission by acorporation, person or public utility, except such matters as arespecifically required to be open to public inspection by theprovisions of this chapter, or chapter 610, RSMo, shall be opento public inspection or made public except on order of thecommission, or by the commission or a commissioner in the courseof a hearing or proceeding. The public counsel shall have fulland complete access to public service commission files andrecords. Any officer or employee of the commission or the publiccounsel or any employee of the public counsel who, in violationof the provisions of this section, divulges any such informationshall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
(RSMo 1939 § 5699, A.L. 1977 H.B. 42 & 157)Prior revisions: 1929 § 5243; 1919 § 10531