383.250. Health care stabilization fund feasibility board created, duties, report--members--appointment, meetings, reports--powers--staff--compensation--expiration date.
Health care stabilization fund feasibility board created, duties,report--members--appointment, meetings,reports--powers--staff--compensation--expiration date.
383.250. 1. There is hereby created within the department of insurance,financial institutions and professional registration the "Health CareStabilization Fund Feasibility Board". The primary duty of the board is todetermine whether a health care stabilization fund should be established inMissouri to provide excess medical malpractice insurance coverage for healthcare providers. As part of its duties, the board shall develop acomprehensive study detailing whether a health care stabilization fund isfeasible within Missouri, or specified geographic regions thereof, or whethera health care stabilization fund would be feasible for specific medicalspecialties. The board shall analyze medical malpractice insurance datacollected by the department of insurance, financial institutions andprofessional registration under sections 383.105 and* 383.106 and any otherdata the board deems necessary to its mission. In addition to analyzing datacollected from the Missouri medical malpractice insurance market, the boardmay study the experience of other states that have established health carestabilization funds or patient compensation funds. If a health carestabilization fund is determined to be feasible within Missouri, the reportshall also recommend to the general assembly how the fund should bestructured, designed, and funded. The report may contain any otherrecommendations relevant to the establishment of a health care stabilizationfund, including but not limited to specific recommendations for any statutoryor regulatory changes necessary for the establishment of a health carestabilization fund.
2. The board shall consist of ten members. Other than the director, thehouse members and the senate members, the remainder of the board's membersshall be appointed by the director of the department of insurance, financialinstitutions and professional registration as provided for in this subsection. The board shall be composed of:
(1) The director of the department of insurance, financial institutionsand professional registration, or his or her designee;
(2) Two members of the Missouri senate appointed by the president protem of the senate with no more than one from any political party;
(3) Two members of the Missouri house of representatives appointed bythe speaker of the house with no more than one member from any politicalparty;
(4) One member who is licensed to practice medicine as a medical doctorwho is on a list of nominees submitted to the director by an organizationrepresenting Missouri's medical society;
(5) One member who practices medicine as a doctor of osteopathy and whois on a list of nominees submitted to the director by an organizationrepresenting Missouri doctors of osteopathy;
(6) One member who is a licensed nurse in Missouri and who is on a listsubmitted to the director by an organization representing Missouri nurses;
(7) One member who is a representative of Missouri hospitals and who ison a list of nominees submitted to the director by an organizationrepresenting Missouri hospitals; and
(8) One member who is a physician and who is on a list submitted to thedirector by an organization representing family physicians in the state ofMissouri.
3. The director shall appoint the members of the board, other than thegeneral assembly members, no later than January 1, 2007. Once appointed, theboard shall meet at least quarterly, and shall submit its final report andrecommendations regarding the feasibility of a health care stabilization fundto the governor and the general assembly no later than December 31, 2010. Theboard shall also submit annual interim reports to the general assemblyregarding the status of its progress.
4. The board shall have the authority to convene conferences and holdhearings. All conferences and hearings shall be held in accordance withchapter 610, RSMo.
5. The director of the department of insurance, financial institutionsand professional registration shall provide and coordinate staff and equipmentservices to the board to facilitate the board's duties.
6. Board members shall receive no additional compensation but shall beeligible for reimbursement for expenses directly related to the performance oftheir duties.
7. The provisions of this section shall expire December 31, 2010.
(L. 2006 H.B. 1837 § 383.515)Expires 12-31-10
*Word "to" appears in original rolls.