380.391. Misuse of company assets for private gain, penalty.
Misuse of company assets for private gain, penalty.
380.391. 1. It is unlawful for any officer, director, member, agentor employee of any company operating under the provisions of sections380.201 to 380.611 to directly or indirectly use or employ, or permitothers to use or employ, any of the money, funds or securities of thecompany for private profit or gain.
2. Any person who willfully engages in any act, practice, omission,or course of business in violation of this section is guilty of a class Dfelony.
3. The director may refer such evidence as is available concerningviolations of this section to the proper prosecuting attorney, who with orwithout a criminal reference, or the attorney general under section 27.030,RSMo, may institute the appropriate criminal proceedings.
4. Nothing in this section shall limit the power of the state topunish any person for any conduct that constitutes a crime in any otherstate statute.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1498, A.L. 2007 S.B. 66)