380.261. Kinds of insurance company may make.

Kinds of insurance company may make.

380.261. A company operating under the provisions ofsections 380.201 to 380.591 may make any one or more of thefollowing kinds of insurance as defined subject to the provisionsof this law:

(1) Fire: Insurance against loss or damage to propertyincluding loss of rents, use and occupancy caused by (a) fire,smoke, smudge, lightning or other electrical disturbance, (b)collision with falling or moving bodies or vehicles, (c) riot,civil commotion and explosion whether fire ensues or not exceptexplosion of steam boilers and the breaking of flywheels, (d)water entering through leaks or openings in buildings, or thebursting, breakage or leakage of sprinklers, pumps, water pipes,plumbing and all tanks, apparatus, conduits or containersdesigned to bring water into buildings or for its storage orutilization therein, or caused by the falling of a tank, tankplatform or supports or against loss or damage from any cause tosprinklers, pumps, water pipes, plumbing, tanks, apparatus,conduits or containers, (e) death of or injury to livestock, (f)any or all risks of transportation including inland marine risks,(g) aircraft, vehicles, overturn or collision of farm machinery,theft, vandalism, malicious mischief and riot attending a strike;

(2) Windstorm: Insurance against loss or damage except togrowing crops including loss of rents, use and occupancy andmiscellaneous or consequential damage caused directly orindirectly by windstorm, cyclone, tornado, tempest, hail, frost,snow, ice, sleet, earthquake, flood, rain, drouth or otherweather or climatic conditions, including excess or deficiency ofmoisture, rising of the waters of the ocean or its tributaries;

(3) Liability: Insurance against loss, or damage for whicha member becomes legally liable to pay because of death or bodilyinjury to other persons and because of damage to or destructionof property of other persons, including loss of its use;additionally, medical payment coverage as provided in thestandard homeowners policy;

(4) Crops: Insurance against loss or damage to growingcrops and loss of rental value of land used in producing suchcrops or products caused by (a) windstorm, cyclone, tornado,tempest, hail, frost, snow, ice, sleet, fire, lightning ortransportation; (b) earthquake, flood, rain, drouth or otherweather or climatic conditions, including excess or deficiency ofmoisture, rising of the waters of the ocean or its tributaries,insects, vermin, disease, and any other hazard not prohibited bylaw to crop insurance;

(5) Other: Insurance permitted to be written under theprovisions of subdivision (1) of subsection 1 of section 379.010,RSMo; automobile insurance including medical payments coverage asa part thereof; insurance against personal injury, disablement,or death, resulting from traveling or general accident on land orwater; to insure the fidelity of persons holding places of publicand private trust; and also to receive on deposit and insure thesafekeeping of books, papers, moneys, stocks, bonds and all otherkinds of personal property.

(L. 1984 H.B. 1498, A.L. 1989 S.B. 250)