380.011. Classification as Missouri mutual insurance companies--new companies prohibited.
Classification as Missouri mutual insurance companies--new companiesprohibited.
380.011. 1. All county mutual insurance companies, all town mutualinsurance companies and all farmers' mutual insurance companies possessing acertificate of incorporation from the secretary of state and operating undersections 380.009 to 380.270, 380.280 to 380.470 and 380.479 to 380.570,respectively, shall be known as Missouri mutual insurance companies and shallafter January 1, 1985, operate under the provisions of sections 380.011 to380.151. Only those county mutual insurance companies, town mutual insurancecompanies and farmers' mutual insurance companies possessing a certificate ofincorporation from the secretary of state upon January 1, 1985, shall operateunder sections 380.011 to 380.151, and no new companies shall be formed tooperate under those sections of the Revised Statutes of Missouri.
2. All Missouri mutual insurance companies shall, within ninety days ofJanuary 1, 1985, file a registration statement with the director of thedepartment of insurance, financial institutions and professional registrationwhich shall contain the name of the company, the location and address of itsprincipal office, the names and addresses of its officers and directors, andshall be accompanied by copies of its articles of incorporation and bylaws.The director shall compile and maintain a list of all companies registered andoperating under the provisions of sections 380.011 to 380.151 and shall filethis list with the secretary of state on or before May 1, 1985.
3. If any county mutual insurance company, town mutual insurance companyor farmers' mutual insurance company possessing a certificate of incorporationfrom the secretary of state and operating under the provisions of sections380.009 to 380.270, 380.280 to 380.470 or 380.479 to 380.570, respectively,fails to file the required registration statement with the director of thedepartment of insurance, financial institutions and professional registrationwithin ninety days of January 1, 1985, the secretary of state shallirrevocably forfeit the company's corporate charter.
(L. 1984 H.B. 1498)Effective 1-1-85