378.633. Agents, licensing of--persons not deemed agents.
Agents, licensing of--persons not deemed agents.
378.633. 1. Agents of societies shall be licensed inaccordance with the provisions of chapter 375, RSMo, regulatingthe licensing, revocation, suspension or termination of licenseof resident and nonresident agents; provided, that no person whoacted in the capacity as an agent of a licensed society for aperiod of at least six months immediately preceding October 13,1969, shall be required to take an examination as provided for inchapter 375, RSMo, as a condition for licensure as an insuranceagent.
2. The following individuals shall not be deemed an agentof a fraternal benefit society within the provisions ofsubsection 1 of this section:
(1) Any regular salaried officer, employee or secretary ofa licensed society or any subordinate lodge thereof, who devotessubstantially all of his services to activities other than thesolicitation of fraternal insurance contracts from the public,and who receives for the solicitation of such contracts nocommission or other compensation directly dependent upon theamount of business obtained; or
(2) Any member representative of any society which insuresits members against death, dismemberment and disability resultingfrom accident only and which pays no commission or otherconsideration for the collection of premiums for such contracts.
(L. 1992 S.B. 831)Effective 1-1-93