376.807. Policies not to reduce or deny benefits to persons eligible for medical assistance--deemed primary contract.

Policies not to reduce or deny benefits to persons eligible formedical assistance--deemed primary contract.

376.807. 1. No contract of medical expense insurance,delivered or issued for delivery, amended or renewed in thisstate after August 13, 1988, by a self-insured or self-fundedplan, prepaid health plan, health maintenance organization plan,health services corporation plan or insurance company licensed toissue policies in this state, shall contain any provision denyingor reducing benefits because services are rendered to an insuredor dependent who is eligible for or receiving medical assistancepursuant to chapter 208, RSMo.

2. All such contracts shall be deemed to be the primarycoverage of an insured or dependent who is eligible for orreceiving medical assistance pursuant to chapter 208, RSMo.

(L. 1988 S.B. 430 § 38)