376.424. Group health insurance policies may be extended to insure family members or dependents.
Group health insurance policies may be extended to insure familymembers or dependents.
376.424. Except for a policy issued under subdivision (2) ofsubsection 1 of section 376.421, a group health insurance policymay be extended to insure the employees and members with respectto their family members or dependents, or any class or classesthereof, subject to the following:
(1) The premium for the insurance shall be paid either fromfunds contributed by the employer, union, association or otherperson to whom the policy has been issued or from fundscontributed by the covered persons, or from both. Except asprovided in subdivision (2) of this section, a policy on which nopart of the premium for the family members' or dependents'coverage is to be derived from funds contributed by the coveredpersons must insure all eligible employees or members withrespect to their family members or dependents, or any class orclasses thereof;
(2) An insurer may exclude or limit the coverage on anyfamily member or dependent as to whom evidence of individualinsurability is not satisfactory to the insurer, subject tosections 376.406 and 376.776 in a policy insuring fewer than tenemployees or members and in a policy insuring ten or moreemployees or members if:
a. Application is not made within thirty-one days after thedate of eligibility for insurance; or
b. The employee or member voluntarily terminated theinsurance of the family member or dependent while such familymember or dependent continues to be eligible for insurance underthe policy; or
c. After the expiration of an open enrollment period duringwhich the family member or dependent could have been enrolled forthe insurance or could have been enrolled for another level ofbenefits under the policy.
(L. 1985 H.B. 623)