376.1118. Benefits funded by a life insurance death benefit acceleration, reports to policyholder required, content.
Benefits funded by a life insurance death benefit acceleration,reports to policyholder required, content.
376.1118. Any time a long-term care benefit, funded througha life insurance vehicle by the acceleration of the deathbenefit, is in benefit payment status, a monthly report shall beprovided to the policyholder. Such report shall include:
(1) Any long-term care benefits paid out during the month;
(2) An explanation of any changes in the policy, such asdeath benefits or cash values, due to long-term care benefitsbeing paid out; and
(3) The amount of long-term care benefits existing orremaining.
(L. 1990 S.B. 765 § 7)*Transferred 2002; formerly 376.958